Free National Drug & Alcohol
Facts Week Resources

Natural High’s Award-Winning content features free Common Core-aligned curriculum
to engage students in critical dialogues about the importance of making positive life
choices and avoiding drug and alcohol abuse.

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We’ve curated 6 storyteller videos from our library of celebrity influencers, and 7 student activities to help your students build a strong foundation for prevention. Our program is evidence-based and makes use of current, scientific findings on youth behavior, brain development, social norming, and substance abuse prevention. And, it’s always free!

Our 2020 NIDA National Drug & Alcohol Facts
Week Playlist includes:

Six Natural High Storytellers:

  • Tony Hawk
  • Matt Bellace, PhD
  • Dartanyon Crockett
    US Judo Champion
  • Danyelle Wolf
    World Champion Boxer
  • Don Brown
    NFL Football Player
  • Cassadee Pope

7 Natural High Activities to Get Kids Excited About Prevention:

Public Service Announcement
Work in groups to create a public service announcement (PSA) for your school or local community. These PSAs can be in the form of posters, podcasts, videocasts, or an alternative you design that will help you get your message across.

Spreading Resilience
Create an educational message to encourage resilience. Resilience is the trait or character strength that allows us to overcome frustrations and setbacks, finish whatever we begin, and generally push on toward our goals.

Host a Crucial Conversation
Plan an event that will bring together students, teachers, parents, and administrators to talk about the real dangers of stress and peer pressure and the reality of its existence in the community. The hope is to start a conversation that will continue and hold all stakeholders accountable.

Busting Myths
Create a short video to present the myth that most teens use drugs. Then “bust” that myth with statistics about actual teen drug usage and the real consequences of drug use.

Prompt a Family Conversation
Build relationships and connections through conversation and interaction with your family and/or other adult mentors in your life. You will develop prompts and questions to use in order to start and continue a conversation.

NIDA Drug & Alcohol IQ Quiz
Take the National Drug & Alcohol IQ Challenge and generate a list of resources for yourself and others. Signing the Natural High pledge and including your parent or guardian can help you keep yourself accountable to making good decisions.

Click here to access Drug & Alcohol
Facts Week activities now.

Subscribe Now

Get free instant access to our Drug & Alcohol Facts Week content and curriculum but also access to:

  • 40+ life-changing videos from celebrity storytellers that kids admire and trust
  • Common Core-aligned content
  • Discussions and activities for deeper ongoing engagement
  • We make sure you get the tools and resources you need to start changing lives.
Our resources are always free and easy to use.
Our program is simple and can be summarized
in three basic steps
  • Step 1 Watch A Natural High Video Watch
  • Step 2 Discuss Together As A Group Discuss
  • Step 3 Go Deeper Through Fun Activities Go Deeper
13 Iis the avg age of first-time drug use

13 is the average age of
first-time drug and
alcohol use.

9 out of 10
addictions start in
the teen years.

There is no national programming
in schools to teach youth about
drug and alcohol abuse.

How Natural High Works

We believe in the power of storytelling to transform lives.

We engage storytellers who kids admire and trust and work with these influencers to create free and impactful content for educators and parents.

Our evidence-based program is used in all 50 states and makes use of current scientific findings on youth behavior, brain development, social norming, and substance abuse prevention.

Real Results


of educators report a change in their student’s perception about drugs and alcohol after going through the Natural High  program.


of youth participating in the program reported that having a natural high will help fight the temptation to use drugs or alcohol.


There are 43,000 educators in Natural High’s network across the U.S. and growing.

40+ We’ve recruited over 40 celebrity storytellers who tell powerful stories of transformation.

80,000 80,000 people have directly pledged to live naturally high.

Millions Millions of lives transformed. Still lots of work to do. That’s why we need your support