Try It Out

Try out our curriculum – no log in required. We offer storyteller videos matched with discussion questions and activities to create honest and authentic conversation and to help kids practice useful skills and strategies. Our playlists can be used once a day for five days in one week or spread out over a month. Combine it with other playlists to create a semester or year-long program

  • Step 1 Watch A Natural High Video
  • Step 2 Discuss Together As A Group
  • Step 3 Go Deeper Through Fun Activities
Click here to learn more about how our program works

The playlist includes:

Bethany Hamilton – Pro Surfer, Cassadee Pope – Singer/Songwriter,

Bethany Hamilton – Pro Surfer

Follow The Steps

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Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1:

Bethany says that staying drug-free was not a hard choice for her. Is it a hard choice for you? Why or why not?

Question #2:

Bethany lost her arm to a shark attack, which changed her life forever. She discusses how everyone has problems, including school, family and other issues. What are some of your small challenges? How about some of your larger ones?

Question #3:

Describe a small or large challenge you faced recently and how you dealt with it. What are you proud of in your response and what would you change?

Question #4:

Having a natural high helped Bethany stay focused during a difficult time. Do you have a Natural High, a relationship, or a responsibility that helps you to remain focused? What is it, and describe a time it helped you to keep your focus?

Question #5:

Have you ever been disappointed or dissatisfied by your natural high? How can you use Bethany’s story to encourage you to overcome challenges when your natural high seems to disappoint you?

Cassadee Pope – Singer/Songwriter

Follow The Steps

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Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1:

Cassadee worked hard to sing, starting lessons at age four. Do you think a Natural High has to be something you are intrinsically good at? Why?

Question #2:

Cassadee talks about her group of friends and how that has been important for her support system. Who makes up your support system?

Question #3:

Cassadee seems comfortable saying, “no.” How do you say, “no” when it’s hard?

Question #4:

Cassadee’s friends seemed to be curious and began to experiment with drugs. Are you curious about using drugs and alcohol?

Question #5:

Who can you talk to about using drugs and alcohol?

Question #6:

How would you define a drug addiction?

Question #7:

Is it ever safe to experiment with drugs?