Red Ribbon Week 2023 Lesson Plans

Easy-to-use series of inspirational influencer videos paired with
discussion questions and activities for your classroom. Our curriculum
is designed for 4th – 12th grade students.

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Sign up here, and we’ll send you a short video with tips to make the
most impact this Red Ribbon Week.

How Our Program Works

Our youth drug prevention program is based on current scientific findings on youth
behavior, brain development, and the power of storytelling.

  • Step 1 Watch A Natural High Video Watch
  • Step 2 Discuss Together As A Group Discuss
  • Step 3 Go Deeper Through Fun Activities Go Deeper
Learn more about our program


Spark important discussions with your students about brain development, making healthy choices, and staying true to themselves in The Brain’s Response To Natural And Artificial Highs. (3 short videos: 9 minutes total)


Lesson Plans & Video Playlist – Grades 4-12

Follow along with our suggested sequence, or choose your own adventure.

Tony Azevedo talked about Natural High

Tony Azevedo – Olympic Water Polo Player Olympic Water Polo Champion

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Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1

What sticks out to you about Tony’s story? What parts do you resonate with?

Question #2

What have you been told you can’t do or aren’t good enough at?

Question #3

What’s his perspective on temptation?

Question #4

What did Tony learn from his big mistake?

Question #5

What is one of his mottos in life? What about you? What’s one of your mottos?

Question #6

What do you think drove Tony to be so focused on water polo? What did he get out of it?

Lisa Leslie talked about natural High

Lisa Leslie – WNBA Basketball Player WNBA All Star

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Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1:

Lisa says, “I always wanted to represent my family, my mom and my sisters, and I didn’t want to do anything that would damage my family name.” How do you see yourself representing your family?

Question #2:

Everyone knew a girl that played on the basketball team and that impressed Lisa. Is there someone you admire?

Question #3:

In 9th grade Lisa set a goal to make the Olympic basketball team. What are your goals and how do you work toward them?

Question #4:

Focus helped Lisa prioritize grades and athletics. What are your priorities? How do you keep your focus on them?

Rob Machado talked about natural high

Rob Machado – Pro Surfer Pro Surfer

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Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1:

Have you ever attempted anything that required you to be totally brave to try? Explain.

Question #2:

Rob says that people retreat into a different world when they use drugs and that drugs can distort your view. Have you known someone to abuse drugs and retreat? Talk about your experience.

Question #3:

Surfing isn’t always easy for Rob. Talk about a time when something you enjoyed wasn’t easy. Did you persevere? Did you give up? What would you do again? What would you change?

Question #4:

Rob says that he needs to ease into things. Do you think that typically you are the type of person who jumps into things or do you prefer to ease in? Have there been times you’ve had to do one or the other and it made you uncomfortable? Explain.

Question #5:

Rob’s dad was someone Rob could look up to and also who Rob says brought him “back down to Earth.” What do you think he means by that? Who does that for you? Who do you do it for?

bryce wettstein's natural high

Bryce Wettstein – Olympic Skateboarder Pro Skateboarder & Singer/Songwriter

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Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1:

What sticks out to you about Bryce and the way she talks about her life?

Question #2:

Bryce talks about being unique—what are the top two or three unique qualities people seem to notice about you?

Question #3:

What’s something unique about you that you don’t often reveal to others?

Question #4:

Bryce also shares her perspective on mistakes. Often, people don’t have such a positive outlook on mistakes, though. What goes through your mind after you make a mistake?

Question #5:

Who has shaped your perspective on making mistakes the most?

Question #6:

What would you do more of (or less of) if you shared her perspective on mistakes as learning opportunities to grow from rather than something to avoid?

Question #7:

Bryce seems really comfortable with herself and who she is. What do you think it takes for someone to grow into that kind of self-confidence?

Donald Brown support natural high

Donald Brown – Former NFL Player NFL Running Back

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Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1:

It’s easy to say you want to do something - you need commitment and dedication to see it through. What helps you with keeping a commitment. What derails you?

Question #2:

Describe a time you were dedicated to doing something and you succeeded or failed. How did you feel? What happened next as a result?

Question #3:

When Donald was thinking about quitting football he decided to stick with it after thinking about who he was playing for. Who do you work hard for? Why?

Question #4:

Sometimes we fall victim to peer pressure to look cool or gain the respect of others. Donald says that people knew what he stood for and that helped people respect him. What do you think he means by this and do you stand for something that could help you gain respect?

Question #5:

What do you think Donald means by putting on your blinders?

Question #6:

Have you ever had a dream come true or a wish fulfilled? What did it feel like?

More Resources

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Our Library Contains 40+ Powerful Stories

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Take The Drug-Free Pledge

Pledge Activity

Video: How To Make The Most Impact This Red Ribbon Week

Sign up to watch this short video on how to use our Red Ribbon Week lesson plans and resources.

  • Only 4 minutes
  • How to use the Natural High program in 3 easy steps
  • Tips to make the most impact during Red Ribbon Week
  • Highlight of this year’s activities and Storytellers

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Founder’s Story

Natural High was founded by entrepreneur Jon Sundt, who lost both of his brothers to drug addiction. After the loss, Jon became determined to turn this experience into positive change and made the decision to spend the rest of his life helping young people make better choices. He realized that simply shifting the way we engage youth could dispel the myth around drugs and alcohol. He began traveling to schools with local influencers and a slide projector at his side, hoping that his story could help save even one life.

Today, Natural High reaches young people around the country. What started in tragedy has now grown into a movement bringing hope and positive results to thousands of families. Two decades of youth are now thriving and choosing their Natural High over drugs and alcohol — all through the power of storytelling and positive example.

Discussion Questions

Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1:

What did you learn about fentanyl?

Question #2:

What would you say to a friend of yours who is planning on trying a substance that might be laced with fentanyl?

Question #3:

What would you say to a friend of yours who offers you a substance they swear is safe?

Question #4:

What could you do to share the film and this message with your circle of friends?

Activity List