Drug Prevention And Life Skills To Help Kids Thrive

The tools and resources to make a radical difference in kids' lives.
Access our free content today, and let’s start changing lives together.

Fentanyl Is Killing Kids In Every Community


Last year, 100K+ people died from drug overdoses driven by fentanyl, and the fastest growing group is under age 19. Fentanyl poisoning truly is the most important conversation you need to have with your kids right now.

Get Your Natural High Fentanyl Toolkit

“Adolescent substance abuse is America’s #1 public health problem” CASA, Columbia University1

The Problem

13 is the average age of
first-time drug and
alcohol use.

9 out of 10
addictions start in
the teen years.

There is no national programming
in schools to teach youth about
drug and alcohol abuse.

Our Solution

Our evidence-based program is used in all 50 states and makes use of current scientific findings on youth behavior, brain development, social norming, and substance abuse prevention. The latest scientific research speaks to the power of positive example, of engaging influencers to create change in culture, and of course — the power of the natural high. This research shows that when young people find their true passions — those activities that uplift, motivate, and inspire them — and are supported in these choices by family, friends, school, and community, they are more likely to avoid drugs and alcohol.

How Natural High Works

We believe in the power of storytelling to transform lives.

We engage storytellers who kids admire and trust and work with these influencers to create free and impactful content for educators and parents.

Our evidence-based program is used in all 50 states and makes use of current scientific findings on youth behavior, brain development, social norming, and substance abuse prevention.

Real Results


of educators report a change in their students’ perception about drugs and alcohol after going through the Natural High  program.


of youth participating in the program reported that having a natural high will help fight the temptation to use drugs or alcohol.


There are 43,000 educators in Natural High’s network across the U.S. and growing.

40+ We’ve recruited over 40 celebrity storytellers who tell powerful stories of transformation.

80,000 80,000 people have directly pledged to live naturally high.

Millions Millions of lives transformed. Still lots of work to do. That’s why we need your support

Our mission is to inspire and empower youth to find their Natural High and develop the skills and courage to live life well

Purpose of Natural High Org


  • Step 1 Watch A Natural High Video
  • Step 2 Discuss Together As A Group
  • Step 3 Go Deeper Through Fun Activities

Get Started Now

Select one of the Natural High storytellers below and try out our content.
Click here to dive deeper into how our program works and to access our
entire library of storytellers, playlists, and activities.

More Parent & Educator Resources

Explore the Natural High Essentials and get life changing research and strategies to help keep your student or child living a Natural High life

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Awards and Recognition

Outstanding Prevention Program Award

Dedication and leadership to building a safe and healthy San Diego county.

Outstanding Prevention Award

Leadership in drug prevention education, advocacy and support of our nation's families and communities.

Outstanding Prevention Program Award

Exemplary service and selfless dedication in reducing youth access to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.